Our Farm

[ Four-season farm ]


Our Philosophy

We are dedicated to promoting and modelling this small family farm through growing and raising natural foods that sustain our land, our community and our souls.

We farm using regenerative and bio-dynamic principles. Quite simply, we farm using many of the same principles and practices our grandparents used. We use scraps from the garden and the restaurant to supplement the chicken and pig foods. We use the manure from the chicken and pigs to nourish and feed the gardens and orchards. The methods we learned from past generations contributes to a dynamic, self-renewing system of farming that doesn’t need chemical fertilizers, pesticides or other artificial inputs.

Oak Knoll farm provides many of the vegetables, fruit and berries, chicken and pork for Pineridge Hollow. Pineridge Hollow is a farm-to-table restaurant that is proud to support the small farm movement. Visit Pineridge Hollow's website.

Our farming practices embrace a philosophy that supports a holistic approach. Our goal is to consider the impact of our decisions on all aspects of our farm, the environment and our community.

We aim to enrich the soils and leave them healthier and more fertile with our crop rotations, green manure cover crops and fertilization from our animals.

We care for our animals in a natural setting and give them plenty of room to root and forage. We feed our animals non-medicated feed and supplement their feed with garlic, herbs and other natural foods. Our chickens and pigs are free to roam the pasture and forest and supplement their diets with a variety of flora and fauna.

Our hope is that we not only nourish people with the food that we produce, but that we would encourage them to:

•  Cook wholesome foods for their family and friends

•  Grow some of their own foods

•  Support local farmers and vote with their food dollars to strengthen the small farm movement





We have been inspired by so many amazing trail blazers. Here are some links to resources, documentaries and web sites that have encouraged us along the way.


Michael Pollan



Chef Dan Barber




Excellent documentary on sustainable food practices



The Stop: How the Fight for Good Food Transformed a Community and Inspired a Movement Hardcover – Mar 19, 2013

by Nick Saul (Author), Andrea Curtis (Author)


The Permaculture Market Garden: A visual guide to a profitable whole-systems farm business Paperback – Jan 27 2017

by Zach Loeks (Author)


The Winter Harvest Handbook: Year Round Vegetable Production Using Deep-Organic Techniques and Unheated Greenhouses Paperback – Apr 15 2009

by Eliot Coleman (Author), Barbara Damrosch (Photographer)


The Market Gardener: A Successful Grower's Handbook for Small-Scale Organic Farming Paperback – Mar 1 2014

by Jean-Martin Fortier (Author)


The Third Plate: Field Notes on the Future of Food Hardcover – May 20 2014

by Dan Barber (Author)